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Reviewers: Mixed Feelings On 'Carbon Creek'

By Lisa
September 30, 2002 - 1:33 AM

See Also: 'Carbon Creek' Episode Guide

Opinions on this week's for 'Carbon Creek' appear to fluctuate as much as your average Star Trek subspace anomaly.

Comments on the episode from reviewers ranged from 'Delightful' to 'GaaaaAAAAAAaaaaack.' Below is a round-up of some of the best comments on 'Carbon Creek' from around the internet:

  • First TV Drama's Richard Whetterstone highlighted a rather pressing problem with the episode. "Uhm, excuse me. But a real man invented Velcro. He really existed, and may still be alive," he wrote. "Berman and Braga not only rewrote established Trek history, but they also just rewrote historical facts in American history."
    For the full review, follow this link.

  • "Delightful!" wrote Monkee at Monkee's Place. She awarded the episode 10 out of 10. "I was going to give it a 9.5, because I hate to set the bar so high so early in the season/series, but really I enjoyed every single minute of this one," she wrote. "And I have a definite weakness for nostalgia episodes, especially if they have anything at all to do with the space program!"
    For the full review, follow this link.

  • Jamahl Epsicokhan disagreed. Jammer called the episode "An acting-dependent outing that simply doesn't have the acting it needs [...] Episodes like this should be affecting. This one feels more like a meditation upon episodes that are affecting. [...] The problem is not that it's bad. The problem is that it doesn't have enough in it that's actually good."
    In the complete review the episode is awarded 2 stars out of 4.

  • For CJ Carter at Scoop Me, the episode was what Enterprise is all about. "From last week's trip to the 31st century, to this week's adventure set in the 20th, the storytellers over at Paramount have solidified the premise that Enterprise is all about time," she wrote. "Where we've been, where we are, and where we're going."
    For her full thoughts on the episode, head over to ScoopMe.

  • For Captain Mac at Trek5, the episode was just fine. "James Contner who directed last year's Dear Doctor succeeds in bringing us another fine episode, 'Carbon Creek.' J Paul Boehmer who played the maverick borg in Voyager's episode, 'Drone' brings us another fine performance as a maverick Vulcan, Mestral."
    In the full review the episode scooped a Warp 4 rating.

  • Tim Lynch for Psi Phi found little to like in the episode.

    The story, such as it is, is really "Vulcans observe 1950s Earth close- up", and pretty much all the observations they make are the same ones we've seen several times before, only more spelled out and less interestingly portrayed. Humans glorify violence, yet are capable of much compassion. Humans are on the verge of destroying themselves, yet are on the verge of many breakthroughs. Vulcans don't care for human culture, yet find "I Love Lucy" strangely appealing. Vulcan males look like Moe Howard. There's ground breaking stuff for you.

    In the full analysis, the episode is given a grade of 2.

  • "A story with a fairly predictable plot and contrived small town characters that has no real conflict or surprises," wrote O. Deus at TrekWeb. "Some nice comic moments and an episode that never really catches fire, which doesn't involve the main characters and in which nothing of any particular importance happens."
    His full review can be found here.

  • Mike took a look at the episode for Trek 47. "Overall, the episode was well done, but the fact that it lacked any character development for our established regulars makes this episode a nice hour of entertainment but meaningless in regards to the rest of the series," he summarised. "That and the Twilight Zone reference prevents me from giving this episode a perfect rating, therefore it gets a 8 out of 10."
    Go here to see more of his thoughts on the episode.

    For more on the episode, check out the Trek Nation episode guide.

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