Jonathan Frakes Chat Transcript Up
By ChristianJune 26, 2000 - 7:42 PM
Over at the official Fox site, they've put up the full transcript of the recent online chat by Jonathan Frakes (William T. Riker), host of 'Beyond Belief' and co-executive producer of 'Roswell'. Last week we already posted some of the highlights from his answers on the future of Trek, but here are some more questions from him on a variety of subjects:
Jonathan Frakes: I know it sounds like a cliche, but we are all still like a family. I spoke to Brent yesterday. Patrick's in New York now, I speak to him monthly. LeVar and I work on the same lot at Paramount. And Rick Berman's wife is the godmother of our son. So it's a pretty tight-knit group.
anamarylee: How do you think Gene Roddenberry would react to the way Star Trek has and still develops?
Jonathan Frakes: That's an interesting question. I'm not sure that Gene would approve of all the violence that has become part of DS 9 in particular. But I think he would certainly approve of the style in which Rick Berman has carried on the legacy that is Star Trek.
Informant: Would there be any chance that the TNG crew would team up with the DS 9 crew in the next movie? Would you even be interested in doing the teaming thing?
Jonathan Frakes: I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some cross-over from the other Star Treks in the next movie.
Meredith: Are you planning on being involved with Roswell next season? You did a wonderful job directing this season, and I really enjoyed the cameos.
Jonathan Frakes: Thank you and of course, I'll be as involved as a possibly can. But the show is in pretty good hands with Jason Katims at the helm. And the Star Trek fans out there will be happy to know that Ron Moore who wrote First Contact as well as many episodes, is on board as a producer and writer of Roswell this season.
SciFiGal: Which TNG (The Next Generation) actors does he keep in touch with?
In the full transcript, Frakes talks about a great many other subjects, including 'Beyond Belief', his acting career, and his two children. Thanks go out to Section 31 for the link!
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