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By CaillanMay 25, 2002 - 2:24 PM
Hello World!
Well, I went to see 'Attack of the Clones' for the third time today, which is the most I've ever seen a film at the cinema. This time I was able to look for some of the in-jokes mentioned on the Internet, since I didn't have to pay any attention to the plot.
I spotted the three Millennium Falcons as the transport enters Naboo, but I didn't catch the floating cow-like creature in the asteroid field - there were just too many asteroids. I also managed to pick out Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best in their cameo roles as officers in the club scene.
There's a chance I might be going to see it a fourth time - my mother will need someone to explain to her who all the people are - but after that, I think I better call it quits and wait for the DVD.
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
- Do you have your own personal canon?
- What is your favourite 'bad' Original Series episode?
- In Science Fiction & Fantasy: Grade The X-Files series finale.
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS! Trek Two Years Ago These were some of the major news items on May 24 & 25, 2000:
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Today's Television Listings Tomorrow's Television Listings
During an appearance at the Motor City Comic Con, Jonathan Frakes (Will Riker) said that "the latest rumour" was that Trek X would be released at the end of 2001. He also mentioned that "the next Star Trek movie has to be huge, a huge intergalactic war. [...] It has to have action and humor. Fans of the movies - and those who make them - would like to see a big, all-out war." Trek X, now known as 'Star Trek: Nemesis,' will be released on December 13 2002.
Voyager actor Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris) reflected on the show's sixth season. "I would characterize this year as probably the year that was most relaxed for everyone," he said. "I think, getting to our sixth season, everyone realizes the routine. There was a lot of ease this year, which was nice."
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