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October 22 2024


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By Michelle
December 7, 2003 - 6:31 PM

Hello World!

This week we had our first snow day of the season. The ground was covered in white, the trees had icicles dripping from the branches, and my children were stir-crazy. So you know what we did? Went to my parents' house and watched The Two Towers extended edition on their plasma TV with the multi-speaker stereo. And wow, what a difference!

I've stopped watching any version of The Fellowship of the Ring at this point but the extended edition, the additions add so much to the story, but the first time I saw TTT EE, my sense was that except for the Faramir-Boromir-Denethor scenes, nothing really vital was added and there was some material, like the Eowyn-acting-girly scenes, that I really loathed. But, you know, seeing Boromir on the walls of Osgiliath addressing the soldiers of Gondor, I changed my mind. How on earth can I ever imagine watching this film again without that moment?

Rumor has it that Peter Jackson has had to cut so much out of The Return of the King that I must wait for the extended edition of that film on DVD to see my favorite moments from the novel, which I foolishly reread instead of letting fade into memory so I could thoroughly enjoy the movie as I enjoyed Fellowship.

I'm wondering whether this is going to be a once-or-twice-in-the-theaters movie for me, and I'll wait to really devour it until next November, when I can see the whole story.

Trek BBS Today

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-Do we need a new Star Trek Encyclopedia for Enterprise?

-When and how do you watch Enterprise - Wednesdays, tape, TIVO?

-Will "Harbinger" suck or is it too soon to tell?

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Trek Two Years Ago

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Poll Results

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All I want for Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Yule, etc. is...
DS9 season seven on DVD 31.1% - (277 Votes)
A new TNG movie 30.6% - (273 Votes)
Nothing that has anything to do with Star Trek 16.5% - (147 Votes)
'Tea At Five' on CD 7.4% - (66 Votes)
A Star Trek calendar 6% - (54 Votes)
To go to a convention 5.8% - (52 Votes)
The new 'New Frontier' book 2.3% - (21 Votes)

Total Votes: 890

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