Gaming Bullets
By ChristianJune 14, 2000 - 9:45 PM
- 'Star Trek: Armada', the Activision real-time strategy game released quite some time ago already, is still in the sales top 20, falling one place to no. 15.
- And the reviews for 'Armada' are also still coming one, the latest one being written by Anthony Sage at Strategy Gaming Online. Sage awards the game an overall grade of 7.4.
- Interplay has put up a 1 MB movie of their upcoming real-time strategy game 'New Worlds', showing a Klingon Science Vehicle.
- Jason Ocampo at Gamecenter has put up a fairly long preview of Raven's 'Voyager: Elite Force', based on an E3 build of the game. The preview contains several new shots of the game.
- Thanks go out to Blue's News for pretty much all these items.
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