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By MichelleMarch 31, 2004 - 8:07 PM
Hello World!
Spring break for my kids starts next week, but unlike last year, when we went to England for nearly two weeks, we are staying home and saving our money so that we can go to England again next year. Which means that I need to be the entertainment committee.
I'm sure we'll go to the zoo one day, and maybe the movies if Scooby-Doo 2 isn't too terrible. I want to get out to the new NASA building by Dulles airport, where the space shuttle Enterprise is now housed -- one of my sons saw it on a school field trip, but I still haven't -- and we'll probably go see the dinosaurs at the Smithsonian. We haven't been to the aquarium in Baltimore in awhile. My in-laws have offered to take the kids up to Gettysburg for a couple of days, to visit the battlefields and a horse farm. And if the weather's good, and the flowers keep coming out, we can start the week with the Cherry Blossom Festival and then go hiking in the Blue Ridge.
At least spring break is a break from soccer, no fencing, no baseball, no violin, no Hebrew school. It's rare for us to have a weekend day with less than three things scheduled. Makes family time rather difficult. Though I know where everyone will be on Passover...after the meal, in front of the television, of course, watching the NCAA finals.
March Madness doesn't come to fruition until April.
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-Nominate your (least) favourite Jump-the-Shark moments!
-Do Berman and Braga care what happens to Enterprise?
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Trek Two Years Ago
These were some of the major news items from March 2002:
- April Fools Day Star Trek Fun
Wesley Crusher joining Enterprise as a regular, Future Guy revealed to be Sam Beckett and Enterprise encountering the Botany Bay were just some of the "stories" reported on April 1st two years ago. - Critics Divided Over 'Acquisition'
Some reviewers were amused by the Ferengi episode and its nods to The Next Generation, while others said it was boring and stupid. - It's 'The Pitts' For Waymire
Late Enterprise actress Kellie Waymore (Cutler) was cast in FOX's comedy pilot The Pitts as a member of an unlucky family.
More news can be found in the archives.
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent TrekToday poll:
Please vote in our new poll about what role William Shatner should play on Enterprise!
Happy Birthday!
On April Fool's Day, happy 74th birthday to Trek's Yeoman Rand, Grace Lee Whitney!
Today's Television Listings
- Tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, UPN will show a rerun of Enterprise's "Harbinger". Here's the official synopsis of the episode:
A dying alien refuses to disclose his motives for exploring a spatial anomaly while Reed quarrels with a colleague over a revamped set of training drills.
Then at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, UPN will rerun Enterprise's "Doctor's Orders". Here's the episode summary:
Phlox puts the crew in comas to keep them alive when Enterprise encounters a trans-dimensional anomaly.
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