First 'Wrath Of Khan' DVD Review
By ChristianJune 30, 2000 - 10:42 PM
Cliff Stephenson at the DVD File has put up the first online review of 'Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan', scheduled to be released on DVD on the 11th of July. Though praising the film itself, Stephenson seemed to consider the DVD a bit disappointing:
While I think the disc falls marginally short of the quality level that the last two TREK DVD releases achieved, it's hard to deny the validity of this disc. After all, we keep going further back in the catalog, what did we expect? I think the quality of the film itself will outweigh any hesitation over the technical limitations of the disc. I think that TREKs II, III and IV are pretty close to each other in quality with each exhibiting its own individual strength. TREK II's is obviously in the film, but the disc isn't all that far behind.
In the full review, the disc is awarded just 2.5 out of 5 stars, mostly due to the somewhat lacking video and audio.
These problems shouldn't exist for the next big Trek DVD release, however, as the Digital Bits is reporting some exciting news about 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture'. Apparently Paramount is allowing director Robert Wise, well over 85 now, to create a new director's cut especially for the DVD release. When the film was first released, Wise had to rush to have it finished in time, and was never satisfied with some of the effects and the editing, so this should finally be rectified.
Finally, the Digital Bits is also reporting that 'Trekkies' director Roger Nygard's new documentary, 'Six Days in Roswell', will be released on DVD in November, and should contain a few extras for 'Trekkies' fans as well.
Thanks go out to Daniel Kikin for this!
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