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October 26 2024


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By Caillan
August 29, 2004 - 11:55 AM

Hello World!

Well, the Olympics are nearly over for another four years, and I'm on the verge of returning to my self-imposed sports hibernation (though I will likely resurface briefly for the 2006 Commonwealth Games). Two weeks of great performances, elation, tragedy, heartbreak, not to mention constant uses of "medal" as a verb. (According to, "to medal" is an informal use appropriate for sport, but it still irks me).

From an Australia perspective, many performances stand out. Jane Saville, after being disqualified in Sydney just as she was walking into the stadium in the 20km walk, won a bronze medal this time round. Loretta Harrop, who took silver in the triathalon after most of the way, only to be pipped at the post by an Australian Austrian. 1500m swimmer Grant Hackett, who won the final after battling illness both before and during the games with grace and dignity (and without the media hooplah surrounding Jana Pittman and that knee). Petria Thomas, at her last Olympics, never having won a gold medal, and she'll be taking home three from Athens.

Then there's the men's 4x400 relay team, who put in a superb performance to take silver behind the Americans and the entire Aussie diving and cycling cohorts who had their best Olympics yet. I wish I could eat KFC for dinner every night with no apparent ill effects like dual gold medalist Ryan Bayley! The prize for best "crossing the line" expression, however, has to go to Britain's Kelly Holmes, as she won the women's 800 metres -- I don't think I've ever seen a more fabulous look of pure joy and surprise. Bring on Beijing!

Trek BBS Today

Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:

- Do the Star Trek DVD sets have weak extra features?

- What happens at Star Trek conventions?

- Would you like to see a TV network devoted to Trek?

More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!

Trek Two Years Ago

These were some of the major news items in late August, 2002:

  • Berman Gives A 'Trek X' Status Update
    Franchise head honcho Rick Berman said Star Trek Nemesis was nearing completion. "We have screened it for the studio and they love it. We cut it down to the length we needed it to be and everyone at the studio actually asked us to put some things back in that we had taken out. We're getting ready for some test screenings and preparing for the final sound mix. We're involved now in the credit sequences and finishing up over 500 visual effects shots."

  • 'Entertainment Tonight' Previews Season 2
    Reporter Mark Steines visited the set of Enterprise and joined star Scott Bakula (Jonathan Archer) in donning the bronze EVA suit. "The biggest thing is that I want to talk slowly when I'm weightless," Bakula joked.

  • Nemesis Romulan Warbird Unveiled
    The first image of the Valdore, the Romulan Warbird featured in Star Trek Nemesis appeared online. The warbird, captained by Commander Donatra, is twice the length of a Federation Galaxy class starship and has 115 decks. The ship was designed by John Eaves.

More news can be found in the August 2002 archives.

Poll Results

Below are the results of the most recent TrekToday poll:

How much money is it worth to you to see a Trek guest at a convention?
Less than $50 38.5% - (357 Votes)
Nothing; Stewart's not Picard, after all! 29.2% - (271 Votes)
$50-100 13.8% - (128 Votes)
For my favorite actor I'd pay whatever I can afford 12.4% - (115 Votes)
If there's a private dinner or photo session I'll pay a few hundred bucks 6% - (56 Votes)

Total Votes: 927

Thanks for voting! Please participate in our new poll, which asks whether you will be watching William Shatner (James T. Kirk) on Boston Legal this fall.

Happy Birthday!

Tomorrow is the 55th birthday of Gates McFadden, who played Doctor Beverly Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

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