Site Columns
By ChristianJune 29, 2000 - 9:56 PM
Hello World!
Welcome to another late update. (Un)fortunately it looks like my evenings won't be filled with football anymore, so TT updates should become a bit more regular again... until the Tour starts, of course. Fortunately Michael Boogerd will at least be able to take part, or I really wouldn't have any hope of seeing today's sports disaster for the Netherlands be compensated.
And a disaster it was. It would seem we have something with the numbers '6' and '1' in this tournament. First we won with 6-1 against Yugoslavia, and now we managed to actually make a goal out of only 1 of 6 penalty shots. Major flashbacks to the World Cup half finals two years ago, of course, though at least this time around I wasn't in Germany to see the match - I can tell you that was one of the more depressing experiences I've ever had. At least today we're all sharing the misery.
Anyway, enough of that, and on with the news. Breaking Tuesday's speed record doesn't seem like a bad idea, considering how late it's ended up.
Trek BBS Today
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-Have there been times when you drifted away from Star Trek for a while?
-How would Picard have looked with hair?
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Happy Birthday!
Today is the 66th birthday of Corey Allen, who directed the TNG pilot 'Encounter At Farpoint'.
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