Site Columns
By LisaSeptember 28, 2002 - 12:49 AM
Hello World!
The Trek Nation is going away.
But we'll be back! As explained here, our server is moving locations. We should be back in about 30 hours.
So what on earth are you going to do with yourself while the Trek Nation sites are down? Well, with lots of help from Zeke I've compiled this helpful list. Feel free to save it to your hard drive to sustain you through the drought.
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-Do you watch Trek re-runs?
-Are these Trek's most ridiculous questions?
-Is Trek really our future?
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Today's Television Listings
- TNN will be showing TNG's 'Yesterday's Enterprise' at 8:00pm Eastern Time, TNG's 'Suspicions' at 9:00pm, TNG's 'Lower Decks' at 10:00am, and TNG's 'The Loss' at 11:00pm.
- In Canada, Space! will be showing the Original Series's 'The Squire of Gothos' at 10:00am Eastern Time, 'Where No Man Has Gone Before' at 2:00pm, TNG's 'The Best of Both Worlds' at 3:00pm, DS9's 'Dramatis Personae' at 4:00pm, and Voyager's 'Investigations' at 5:00pm.
- In the United Kingdom, Sky One will be showing DS9's 'Rivals' at 06:00 GMT, E4 wil be showing the Original Series's 'The Gamesters of Triskelion' at 14:00, and Sky One will be showing TNG's 'The Vengeance Factor' at 17:00. Thanks go out to the Great Link for this!
Tomorrow's Television Listings
- In Canada, Space! will be showing the Original Series episode 'The Squire of Gathos' at 10:00 a.m Eastern Time, with TNG's 'The Best of Both Worlds Pt.2' at 11:00 a.m, DS9's 'Dramatis Personae' at 12:00 p.m and Voyager's 'Investigations' at 1:00 p.m.
- In the United Kingdom, Sky One will show Voyager's 'False Profits' at 15:00 GMT, with 'Sacred Ground' at 16:00. Channel 4 will show Enterprise's 'Sleeping Dogs' at 16:40. Thanks go out to the Great Link for this!
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