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October 26 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

Site Columns

By Amy
February 26, 2001 - 2:59 PM

Hello World!

Well, today was certainly one for the books. Things started off only moderately bad today – catching public transport out to uni for the first time since moving house proved to be a somewhat frustrating experience – I missed the first two busses I’d intended to catch by simply being on the wrong side of the road for one and several kilometres away from the other due to my admittedly rather poor sense of geographical location. So, not only did I miss the busses, but I missed my first two lectures for the day and barely made it in time for my Statistical Databases and Analysis tutorial – fun fun fun – only to discover that I’d left all my unit materials at home. Joy.

The rest of the day seemed to go more or less well – aside from the fact that I’d not seen the weather broadcast and had chosen to wear full-length jeans instead of shorts or three-quarters and spent the entire trip home more or less plastered to the seat. But then, just when I thought I was safe, it was time for cadets – which remarkably passed more or less without incident… until it came time to send everyone home. The designated taxi driver to four of our cadets turned out to be a no-show (he bogged his car doing something stupid apparently), so myself and Alan were volunteered to drive them home. That went smoothly, right up until the point where we’d dropped everyone off and realized that we had very little clue how to get back to where we’d came from. Once we’d successfully negotiated that, fate chose to rear it’s ugly head once more.

Not intending the car to be driven more than the few kilometres between his house and Division, Alan neglected to ensure that we had sufficient petrol for the round-trip out to High Wycombe in his parent’s car… I’m sure you can guess what happened then. Yup. We ran out of gas at the intersection of Roe and Great Eastern Highways, a section of I’m sure any of my fellow sandgropers would recognise as a rather busy and dangerous intersection that no-one seems to bother to slow down for. To the right, up Great Eastern Highway is Greenmount Hill, a very notorious stretch of road after a road train lost it’s brakes heading down it and ploughed straight on through said intersection. On Roe Highway, where we’d stopped, there’s actually a small hill preceding the intersection to block the view of the road that people tend to whiz down. Anyway, to cut a long story short, we were stuck there for about an hour while we waited for a friend to bring a jerry can so we could get out of there, and in the mean time watched as five police cars, two tow trucks and a gas and electrical repairman passed by, none of them offering to help us move the car off the road, which we couldn’t do on our own, stuck, as we were, in the third of five lanes. (sighs)

So now I’m home and currently praying that nothing else goes wrong, like my computer… oh no… ;)

Trek BBS Today

Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:

-DS9 Relaunch-- Do we need TNG? & Will the magic be reborn????

-When did you become interested in your favorite non trek sci fi shows?

-Starfleet uniforms of the 25th century

More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!

Trek Two Years Ago

On Friday the 26th of February, 1999, the major headlines of the day were as follows:

  • Star Trek X In Early Development - TrekWeb's Star Trek X site had a short report about Star Trek X being in very, very early development, after Rick Berman made a few comments about the movie in the then- latest issue of the Star Trek Communicator, announcing that discussions had begun.

  • Ratings for 'The Emperor's New Cloak' - Deep Space Nine kicked its final February sweeps off with a roar, storming out of reruns to claim a 4.6 rating, ranking 13th, the highest rating since "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River"'s 4.8 earlier this year. That 4.6 was up 22% over last week's rerun and 6% from the last first-run episode, "Prodigal Daughter" (4.3). Despite the strong performance, the show was still down from last year's "Who Mourns for Morn," which earned a 5.3.

  • Mania Reviews 'The Disease' - One of several reviews for the day, long time reviewer Michelle Erica Green was not very impressed with this episode at all.

    More news from that day can be found in our February 1999 archives.

    Happy Birthday!

    Today is the birthday of Chase Masterson who played Leeta on Deep Space Nine.

    Today's Television Listings

    • The Sci-Fi Channel will be showing the Original Series' 'Return To Tomorrow' at 5:00pm Eastern Time.

    • In Canada, Space! will be showing the Original Series' 'Who Mourns For Adonais?' at 10:00am Eastern Time, TNG's 'Suspicions' at 12:00pm, 'Who Mourns For Adonais?' again at 4:00pm, DS9's 'A Change Of Heart' at 5:00pm and Voyager's 'Ashes to Ashes' at 10:00pm.

    • In the United Kingdom, Sky Premier 3 will be showing 'Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country' at 11:45 and at 18:00 GMT. Sky One will be showing DS9's 'The Way of the Warrior' at 17:00 and at 23:30, and the new Voyager episode 'Imperfection' at 20:00. Thanks go out to the Great Link for this!

    • In the Netherlands, Veronica will be showing DS9's 'To The Death' at 17:20 CET, while Net5 will be showing TNG's 'Unnatural Selection' at 18:10. Thanks go out to for this!

    Tomorrow's Television Listings

    • The Sci-Fi Channel will be showing TOS's 'Patterns of Force' at 5pm.

    • In Canada, Space! will be showing Voyager's 'Ashes to Ashes' at 4am, DS9's 'A Change of Heart' at 5am, TOS's 'The Changeling' at 10pm (repeat at 4pm), TNG's 'Rightful Heir' at 12pm, DS9's 'Wrongs Darker...Death...Night' at 5pm and Voyager's 'Child's Play' at 11pm.

    • In the United Kingdom, Sky One will show DS9's 'The Way of the Warrior' at 1700, while BBC2 will screen Voyager's 'The Thaw' at 1850. Thanks go out to the Great Link for this!

    • In Australia, Channel Nine will be showing DS9's 'You are Cordially Invited...' at 11pm. Thanks go out to the Australian Babylon 5 & Star Trek air schedule

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