Site Columns
By AmyDecember 25, 2000 - 1:54 PM
Hello World!
You cannot truly appreciate the irony of celebrating Christmas in the southern hemisphere until you've spent one in 37 degree C heat. Today, for example, it struck me anew as my family unit was heading to my aunt's for our traditional Christmas luncheon get-together (which consists mainly of eating enough to normally ast a week, going through several bottles of champers not to mention beer, eating some more and lounging around in the air-con, with some exchanging of presents). The way to her house involves traversing a small area of scrubland, which, at this time of year, looks as though all it'll take to set it alight is a sideways glance. At the time we were crossing this little bit of road preserve, what was on the radio but the Eurythymic's version of 'Winter Wonderland'. Once I got over the initial shock of learning this group had actually *recorded* this song, it struck me just how many of these carols are vastly unsuited to the Australian climate (well, except for the climate in Tasmania where I'm told it's actually snowing – but hey, they're backwards down there anyway). Just glancing through some of my mother's CD's, there's 'Winter Wonderland', 'The Holly and the Ivy', 'Frosty the Snowman', even 'Jingle Bells' (discounting, of course, the various local variations which all seem to, for some reason, incorporate a 'rusty Holden Ute'). Though I admit I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas.
Have a good one all!
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Today On TV
-In Canada, Space! will be showing TOS's 'Obsession' at 10am (repeat at 4pm), TNG's 'Data's Day' at 12pm, DS9's 'The Quickening' at 5pm and Voyager's 'One' at 10pm
-Here in The Netherlands, Net 5 will be showing TNG's 'Sub Rosa'at 18:00 CET, while NED2 will be showing 'The Haunting of Deck 12'. Thanks go out to for this!
Happy Birthday!
Today is the birthday of Rick Berman, who probably needs no introduction
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