Notice: TT Updates Returning Tomorrow
By ChristianAugust 24, 2000 - 11:39 PM
Sorry for the lack of updates over the past two days. I actually moved to another place this week - to a much nicer place, in fact, even if it is again next to a street being worked on by seemingly the same construction crew who had finally finished disrupting my sleep a short while ago at the old place. Unfortunately, and perhaps because of this crew, my regular net connection isn't actually working yet, so I haven't been able to update the site much. Earlier this evening I was able to get a news item online at SlipstreamWeb, but now I'm again just logged in via my cell phone, which due to the high costs and small amount of bandwidth isn't much use in updating the site. However, things should be back to normal again tomorrow - look for a really huge amount of news then.
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