News Bullets
By ChristianJune 24, 2000 - 9:07 PM
- The Kent Children's Promenade Concert, to be held in the London area on the 28th of June, is an open-air event by children, for children, during which top musicians from Kent music schools will perform several traditional and modern favourites, including Jerry Goldsmith's Star Trek theme. More info on the event can be found here.
- SciFi Headquarters has put up the theatrical trailer for last year's 'Trekkies' documentary on its Feature Films page.
- In a short article, summarises four of the recent real-life science developments reminding us of Trek, namely the possible discovery of water on Mars, the use of a laser cannon by the U.S. Army, the development of a hypospray and the light pulse that was accelerated to more than 300,000 kilometers per second.
- David Henderson at Psi Phi has updated his Star Trek Books database with an author bio page for Doranna Durgin, author of the upcoming TNG novel 'Tooth and Claw'. He's also put up the back cover text for Christie Golden's third novel in her 'Dark Matters' Voyager trilogy, Shadow of Heaven, and the paperback reprint of Peter David's I, Q.
- The official fan club for Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine) has sent out the Summer 2000 issue of Jeriology, their official newsletter, so it should be arriving in members' mailboxes soon. This issue features a special look at Ryan's movie career.
- And in related news, Ryan appeared briefly on yesterday's 'Entertainment Tonight', attending a recent GQ event for Mark Wahlberg. Thanks also to the JLR for this!
- BORG sends along word that the latest edition of 'Entertainment Tonight' features a very brief behind-the-scenes vignette of the new commercial from William Shatner (James T. Kirk). The commercial features the stage and audience motif familiar from his previous commercials for the site.
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