Gaming Bullets
By ChristianJune 22, 2000 - 11:07 PM
- Chuck Osborn has put up the net's first review of Interplay's space simulator 'Klingon Academy', which has also started showing up in stores throughout the US. Rating it as a 'Hit', Osborn says that if you liked 'Starfleet Academy', "Klingon Academy is more fun than a greased Targ."
- Also dealing with 'Klingon Academy', KA News has put up an edited chat log of yesterday's Omega Project chat with the developers of the game.
- Stomped will be holding a live IRC chat with Raven Software project leader Brian Pelletier this evening, talking about 'Voyager: Elite Force'. The chat, which starts at 8:00pm Eastern Time, will be held on in channel #eliteforce.
- And IGN PC has posted part three of their series of Hazard Team profiles, this week looking at the Bolian technician Chell and team leader Lester William Foster.
- Activision has updated the official 'Star Trek: Armada' site with an SOD FAQ and Sample, helping users to modify objects for the real-time strategy game.
- Thanks go out to Blue's News and Sci-Fi Gaming for some of these items!
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