Site Columns
By ChristianJune 21, 2000 - 10:16 PM
Hello World!
How frustrating that I promised not to reveal any Euro 2000 match results in 'Hello World!' to several American readers who wrote in, asking not to be spoiled, as after Holland-France today I really just have to vent/celebrate (strike out incorrect option if you already saw the match) about the terrible/excellent performance by the Dutch team. This really was one of the most annoying/celebrating games played during the tourmanent, and I do not/do hope they'll perform like this during the quarter finals/for the World Cup qualifications.
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-Why does it take so long for new 'Voyager' episodes to air in the United Kingdom?
-Do we hear too much advance information about Star Trek episodes nowadays?
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Today On TV
-At 9:00pm (8:00pm Eastern Time), UPN will be showing Voyager's timeless classic 'Fair Haven'. Here's how the station describes the episode:
Thanks go out to Mr. Video Productions for the above image, which is of course copyrighted by Paramount Pictures.
Captain Janeway and her crew enjoy some hard-earned leisure time in the holographic setting of a charming Irish village where she can't help falling for a ruggedly handsome townsman - but their holiday is darkened by an approaching wave of deadly neutron radiation.
Poll Results
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Thanks for participating, and please also vote in our new poll, asking if you will be seeing 'The X-Men', starring Patrick Stewart (Jean-Luc Picard) when it is released in cinemas.
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