News Bullets
By CaillanJune 20, 2003 - 8:56 AM
- John Billingsley (Doctor Phlox) will be chatting at on Wednesday, June 25 at 2:00 p.m. PDT. Participants will be entered into a draw to win a signed Phlox action figure.
- An audio clip from the Genesis Force audiobook, read by Tim Russ (Tuvok), is available for download from Psi Phi.
- The Deep Space Nine season two DVD box set will be released in Australia on July 3, according to EzyDVD. Star Trek Nemesis will be available to rent down under from July. Thanks to Adam Clark for this!
- In this year's SFX readers' choice awards, Enterprise's "Shockwave" was voted second-best TV episode of the year, while the series itself was ranked third in the categories of Best New TV Show and Worst TV Show. Read more at the Great Link.
- Zap2it reported Penny Johnson Jerald (Kasidy Yates) may not be back as 24's Sherry Palmer next season as her contract has not been renewed. The Fox network declined to comment in an effort to maintain "storyline secrecy".
- Space Aventures, "the leading space experiences company", is offering budding astronauts the chance to take part in a mission to the International Space Station. The cost? $20 million a head. Thanks to SubspaceLink for this!
- Nearly 400 screencaps from Star Trek III: The Search For Spock are up at Section31.
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