Gaming Bullets
By ChristianJune 18, 2000 - 12:27 AM
- The Stratos Group has uploaded an interview with Kenn Hoekstra, talking to the Raven Software Project Administrator about his own personal life and 'Voyager: Elite Force' in general.
- John Brandon at GameZone has reviewed Activision's 'Star Trek: Armada', awarding the real-time strategy title an 8.
- Issue 3 of Starfleet Command fanzine Hailing Frequencies, incidentally the third regular publication with that title after the newsletter and the Trek column at AnotherUniverse, includes an interview with Taldren's Joshua "Jinxx" Morris, talking mostly about the fighters in the upcoming 'Starfleet Command Volume II'.
- And the Starfleet Universe's SFC 2 Development Diary has been updated by artist Bradley Schenck, looking at the world of high-polygon modeling.
- AntonyF at Fandom's Star Trek Central has put up an interview with Jeff Holzhauer, head of Activision's upcoming 'ConQuest Online' game.
Thanks go out to Blue's News and Federation HQ for some of these items!
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