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By CaillanJune 15, 2003 - 9:12 AM
Hello World!
The final episode of Gilmore Girls for while aired in Australia on Tuesday night (Channel 9 must die, die, die!). Fortunately, "They shoot Gilmores, don't they?", from the pen of the incomparable Amy Sherman-Palladino, was a fantastic episode to bow out on.
After six episodes of tension, we finally had movement on the Rory-Dean-Jess love-triangle front, with Dean completely losing it and dumping Rory on the dance floor! I think Dean is a little, er, weedy at times, and it was great to see him finally come to his senses and realise he was being strung along by Rory.
This episode was reportedly sent as one of Gilmore Girls' Emmy submissions this year, and it's a great choice. I only hope that Emmy voters will wake up and realise that this is one of the funniest shows on television and give shows like Will & Grace and Everybody Loves Raymond the boot.
Speaking of the Emmys, The West Wing's "Swiss Diplomacy" is apparently on the Emmy ballot in the category of Oustanding Writing in a Drama Series. I can't explain this, except to say that someone at The West Wing or NBC was under the delusion that this was actually a good episode, when in fact it was possibly the show's weakest instalment yet.
Courtesy of Television Without Pity, let you remind me of some of the dialogue:
FLOTUS: I'm just gonna need the lists.
Witless Assistant: I have the lists.
FLOTUS: I know, that's why I'm asking you for them.
Witless Assistant: Did you want them?
FLOTUS: Yes...
Witless Assistant: I'm sorry, we're talking about the lists?
FLOTUS: And your having them and my wanting them.
Yes, Emmy-winning dialogue there, folks. But, despite "Swiss Cheese", I'm in an upbeat West Wing mood again. "Guns Not Butter" was another great episode, and felt very much like a season one instalment. Here's hoping for more of the same!
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
- Why is Star Wars cool and Star Trek isn't?
- Which TNG episodes had an unhappy ending?
- What is great about Enterprise?
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Trek Two Years Ago
These were some of the major news items in mid-June, 2001:
- Ryan Wins Saturn For Best Supporting Actress
Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine) successfully assimilated her first Saturn Award in the category of Best Supporting Actress. She beat off competition from Alyson Hannigan (Buffy), Amanda Tapping (Stargate: SG-1) and others to secure the gong. 'L.A. Confidential' Cinematographer Joins Trek X?
It was rumoured that Dante Spinotti, who served as director of photography on L.A. Confidential and The Insider, would fill the same role on Trek X. The gig eventually went to Jeffrey L. Kimball.- 'Enterprise' Shooting In High Definition
Reports emerged that Enterprise would be filmed in High Definition TV. Sources indicated that there were initial problems when shooting the pilot, but they were soon sorted out.
More news items can be found in the archives.
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Happy Birthday!
Friday, June 13, was the 60th birthday of Malcolm McDowell, who played Doctor Soran in Star Trek Generations.
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