UPN Debuts 'Similitude' Promo
By CaillanNovember 14, 2003 - 10:17 AM
See Also: 'Similitude' Episode Guide
UPN Wednesday night premiered the trailer for next week's Enterprise instalment, entitled "Similitude".
In the episode, written by co-executive producer Manny Coto, Trip Tucker is seriously injured in an accident. In order to save his life, Phlox grows a clone of the engineer from which to harvest neural tissue. But the new "Sim-Trip" soon becomes a valued member of the crew...
The 20-second promo is available for download online courtesy of StarTrek.com, The Daily Trekker and TrekNews.de. For those of you with slower connections, here's a transcript:
- [Overhead shot of the cargo bay. The crew stand gathered around a torpedo tube. "Amazing Grace" plays in the background.]
- [The camera rises towards the upper level of the cargo bay, where Archer stands gathered with his officers.]
- Archer: "The most difficult test facing any captain..."
- [In engineering, Trip climbs up the side of the warp core.]
- [Trip reaches the top as flames leap from the warp core.]
- Archer: (off-screen) "...any crew, is the loss of a shipmate."
- [There is a massive explosion in engineering, which engulfs Trip.]
- Archer: (off-screen) "We will never forget what he did for us..."
- [Trip is thrown against the railings.]
- [The engineer's battered body falls to the ground.]
- [Archer delivers the eulogy in the cargo bay.]
- Archer: "...for all the citizens of Earth."
- [Trip lies in the torpedo tube.]
- [The camera rises towards the upper level of the cargo bay, where Archer stands gathered with his officers.]
- [Dissolve into a shot of Trip and T'Pol kissing.]
- [Phlox nurses a baby as T'Pol and Archer look on.]
- [Enterprise cast photo.]
- [Text: 'Star Trek Enterprise']
- [Enterprise cast photo.]
The trailer can be downloaded from StarTrek.com (Quicktime/WMV), The Daily Trekker (1.9 MB DivX) and TrekNews.de (0.9 MB WMV).
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