Site Columns
By ChristianJune 14, 2000 - 10:37 AM
Hello World!
Does anyone know of an online store selling second-hand CDs? I've been looking for a while now for 'Sacred Heart', the debut CD of early-nineties group Shakespear's Sister, but stores like Amazon don't even list the title anymore, and I haven't yet been able to find it in any of the shops I've been to here in Utrecht. I'm sure there must be a market big enough for used CDs on the net - I've used second-hand book services like Alibris a lot in the past, but the used CD stores don't seem to advertise too much.
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-Why is Uhura the only major TOS character who never appeared in any of the post-TOS series?
-What are your expectations of Starship Creator: Warp 2?
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Today On TV
-In the United States, the Sci-Fi Channel will be showing the Original Series episode 'Obsession' at 2:00pm Eastern Time.
-In Canada, Space! will be showing DS9's 'Waltz' at 4:00am Eastern Time, the Original Series' 'Court Martial' at 10:00am and at 4:00pm, and DS9's 'Who Mourns For Morn?' at 10:00pm.
-In the United Kingdom, BBC Two will be showing the Original Series 'The Corbomite Maneuver' at 18:00 BST. Thanks go out to Kathryn Hughes for this!
-Here in The Netherlands, Net 5 will be showing TNG's 'Menage a Troi'at 18:05 CET. At 20:30, SBS 6 will be showing 'Star Trek: Generations'. Thanks go out to for this!
'4-Gom' sends along word that the online vote on the most popular Customisable Card Game cards, as mentioned in yesterday's news story about the 'Star Trek Reflections' expansion, already took place in Februuary. There's been no word on the results as of yet, though.
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent TrekToday poll:
Thanks for participating, and please also participate in our new poll, asking how you would grade the season on overall. This is the last of the 'end of season' polls, in a few days I'll post an article summarising the results.
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