Gaming Bullets
By ChristianJune 13, 2000 - 10:22 PM
- John Scott, programmer at 'Voyager: Elite Force' developer Raven Software, has put up a new article explaining what exactly everyone's roles are during the development of a game, and how those roles change as the game nears completion.
- A Talent for War has been updated with a log of their recent Multi-Developer Space Sim Chat, which was also participated in by the developers of 'Starfleet Command Volume II'.
- Thomas Hoff at Games First, as one of the last reviewers to do so, has put up his review of Activision's 'Star Trek: Armada', awarding it 3 stars.
- Over at, they've put up an article looking at the designing of sci-fi levels for computer games. Some of the designers interviewed are Raven Software's Michael Raymond-Judy and T. Elliot Cannon, who worked on 'Deep Space Nine: The Fallen' for a while.
- Stephen Butts at IGN PC has put up another preview of 'Klingon Academy', the Interplay space simulator that recently went gold.
- Thanks go out to Blue and Federation HQ for some of these items.
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