Site Columns
By ChristianJune 13, 2000 - 7:20 AM
Hello World!
Every now and then I like to listen to the morning news program on Radio 1, the Dutch public 'news and sports station', as their slogan goes. The one thing that never fails to amaze me is their 'human interest' block, which they use to fill at least a quarter of the available time. This morning, in the midst of Syria, Korea and the European Championships, they first brought a five-minute item on the dangerous live of a cab driver in New York. Even worse was the second part, half an hour later, which is part of a three-week Euro 2000 series in which they interview the owners and visitors of a certain bar in the Hague, Café Corry (I think that was the name). Today, half the item dealt with a mouse which had been sighted in the bar. A mouse. The only Dutch national news radio actually spent two minutes worrying about a mouse in Café Corry. How much lower can we still go?
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-What would you put in a 30-second commercial advertising 'Voyager' during the Olympic Games?
-Why can't the series get an 8th season?
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Today On TV
-In the United States, the Sci-Fi Channel will be showing the Original Series episode 'The Deadly Years' at 2:00pm Eastern Time.
-In Canada, Space! will be showing DS9's 'The Magnificent Ferengi' at 4:00am Eastern Time, the Original Series' 'Galileo Seven' at 10:00am and at 4:00pm, and DS9's 'Waltz' at 10:00pm.
-Here in The Netherlands, Net 5 will be showing TNG's 'Sarek'at 18:05 CET. Thanks go out to for this!
Happy Birthday!
Today is the 57th birthday of Malcolm McDowell, who starred in 'Generations' as Dr. Tolian Soran.
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