Nemecek Says 'Star Trek Communicator' Will Return
By MichelleDecember 11, 2005 - 12:33 AM
Larry Nemecek, the managing editor of The Star Trek Communicator, said he was confident that the official Star Trek fan club would continue in the wake of Decipher's announcement that the company would cease publication of the magazine.
"The recent note by Decipher on its website is a follow-up to essentially what happened when it closed out its Publishing division July 1," Nemecek wrote to The Trek Nation. "I hope fans can separate the Official Fan Club and Communicator magazine as a longtime entity from Decipher the company, since Decipher has only been the licensee since 2001." Nemecek explained that the company founded by Dan Madsen, who ran the official fan club and magazine from 1980 through 2001, sold the Star Trek properties to Decipher.
Nemecek explained that the Viacom-CBS split that has affected Paramount Digital Entertainment and has left the future of in limbo is affecting the relaunch of the fan club and magazine. The editor had said at the Las Vegas Creation convention in August that he expected a new licensee within a few months, but it is taking longer because of the corporate restructuring. "My own sticking with the project - the magazine - has been based on a scenario that still seems to be working out, hopefully soon to be announced," he said.
It is still very much true, as you quoted me from August, that 'Paramount will not let the Fan Club and Communicator die,'" Nemecek added. "I am certain that there is plenty of Star Trek to cover, both old and new, fan and pro, to make this worthwhile and exciting, or I would not have staked my immediate future to it." He said that he was confident that would find a new home as well.
Decipher's announcement that it would no longer publish the official fan club magazine is here. Nemecek's August comments in Las Vegas are here.
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