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October 23 2024


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By Michelle
July 11, 2004 - 7:55 PM

Hello World!

King Arthur bears even less resemblance to the myths I know involving a character of that name than Troy bears to The Iliad. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it very much -- probably more than I enjoyed Troy, though I am frankly astounded at the level of violence that has apparently become permissible in PG-13 movies; I would have been happy to have my kids watch more of the sex onscreen in exchange for less blood.

Guinevere, Warrior Princess is a wonderful addition to the various versions of that character that exist in myth and fiction, and I like both Clive Owen's earnest, idealistic Arthur and Ioan Gruffudd (a.k.a. Horatio Hornblower)'s brooding, loyal Lancelot. I was also impressed by nasty Saxon Stellan Skarsgård, and the young hottie playing Gawain sort of reminds me of a younger Russell Crowe. But Keira Knightley was the highlight of the movie for me, and also for my sons, who know her from Bend It Like Beckham and Pirates of the Caribbean. Right now Princess of Thieves is on and we are watching it. It's hard to believe that she's as young as she is; either she's very well-trained or instinctually just very good at what she does.

I can't buy into the concern that Jerry Bruckheimer changed "the story" of King Arthur. Which story? This one bears little resemblance to Geoffrey of Monmouth, Chretien de Troyes or Marion Zimmer Bradley, but I can only roll my eyes when Celtic scholars come up with the each new "authentic" version of the Arthurian legend; considering that they all end up contradicting and competing with one another, I don't much worry about my inability to read the original languages in trying to evaluate them. I'm all for a plurality of Arthurian interpretations and the current movie certainly isn't damaging anyone's legend, unless your entire interest is in the supposed love triangle, the supposed Druid matriarchy or the supposed quest for the Grail...all of which are absent from this version.

Trek BBS Today

Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:

-Is it good or bad news that Braga isn't leaving?

-What's with the starships humming?

-Ever worry about Batman and Spider-Man's stability?

More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!

Trek Two Years Ago

These were some of the major news items from July 2002:

  • 'Enterprise' & 'Buffy' Signal Positive Future For UPN
    The acquisition of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and the launch of Enterprise paid dividends for UPN, with improved ratings of 15% in total viewers in the 2001-2002 season.

  • Will Scott Bakula 'Leap' Again?
    Ever since the Sci-Fi Channel announced its intention to produce a two-hour Quantum Leap movie, one question has been on everyone's lips - would Scott Bakula (Captain Archer) be involved? "You never know. You never know," was the response from the president of the Sci-Fi Channel.

  • Montalban & Bennett Recall 'Wrath Of Khan'
    Ricardo Montalban explained what it was that attracted him to the role of Khan Noonien Singh in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: "Even when I was not on screen, they were talking about me!"

More news can be found in the archives.

Poll Results

Below are the results of the most recent TrekToday poll:

Which Trek character would you most like to see on a reality TV show?
Seven of Nine on 'The Simple Life' 23.3% - (474 Votes)
Rom on 'The Apprentice' 13% - (265 Votes)
Charles 'Trip' Tucker on 'The Bachelor' 12.9% - (263 Votes)
The EMH on 'American Idol' 12.9% - (263 Votes)
Beverly Crusher & Deanna Troi on 'The Amazing Race' 11.1% - (225 Votes)
Wesley Crusher on 'Survivor' 9.6% - (196 Votes)
Spock on 'The Mole' 7.2% - (147 Votes)
Neelix on 'The Restaurant' 6.1% - (124 Votes)
Uhura on 'America's Next Top Model' 3.4% - (69 Votes)

Total Votes: 2026

Please vote in our new poll on the rumoured prequel movie about the Romulan Wars!

Happy Birthday!

July 13th is the birthday of both Patrick Stewart, The Next Generation's Captain Picard, and Bob Justman, a producer of the original series.

Today's Television Listings

    Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, UPN will show the Enterprise rerun "Carpenter Street". Here's a synopsis of the episode:

    Temporal agent Daniels sends Archer and T'Pol through time to learn what three Xindi-Reptilians are doing in Detroit, Michigan, in 2004.

    Then at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, UPN will show another Enterprise rerun, "Chosen Realm". Here's the synopsis:

    A group of religious zealots hijack Enterprise intending to use it against the enemies of their faith.

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