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Online Reviewers Pass Judgment On 'The Seventh'

By Lisa
November 11, 2002 - 1:50 AM

See Also: 'The Seventh' Episode Guide

Some loved it - some wished it never happened: online reviewers were split again over a verdict on last week's 'The Seventh'.

Here's a round-up of comments about the episode:

  • "Wipe My Memory, Please!" wrote Trek 5's Matt D. "'The Seventh' felt like it was written by a bunch of lawyers: all the drama, uncertainty, wit and surprise was excised in favour of a lifeless, predictable scenario that left me feeling screwed. Which is too bad because Jolene Blalock, Bruce Davison, the set decoration and special effects folks all went to a hell of a lot of work."
    In the full analysis, the episode is awarded a Warp 2 grade.

  • CJ Carter at ScoopMe was still rather confused about the episode. "Were y'all as conflicted about this episode as I was? I'll tell you the truth, I'm still not sure whether I really liked it despite its shortcomings, or if the minuses overwhelmed the good. Still, it's one of B&B's better offerings."
    To read her full review, click here.

  • "So help me, I kinda liked it!" wrote Monkee at Monkee's Place. "I didn't like it, actually, the first time through. I guess I found it disconcerting that T'Pol was practically sobbing for most of the episode. But once I accepted that, and watched the episode again, I found it quite enjoyable."
    In her full review, Monkee gave the episode 8.5 out of 10.

  • Philip B. Gaines at the Federation Continuum felt the episode worked overall.

    In the end, for purposes of an hour’s entertainment, let us just take what we can get out of T’Pol’s psychological development. In the final scene, she tells Archer that she owes him one, and after Blalock's sturdy performance as the beleaguered Vulcan, we believe her. If such a humble sentiment is all that this episode hopes for, then so be it. The episode works.

    In the full analysis, he awarded the episode 2 1/2 stars.

  • "This was a nice episode in which we got to learn a little bit about T'pol's past," wrote Mike for Trek 47. "The concept of repressing memories that bring about intense emotions seems like a 'logical' concept for Vulcans to participate in, and it was nice bringing in a P'Jem reference. However, it appears that the Vulcans aren't very good at repressing memories since just the mention of Menos' name made T'pol start doubting herself."
    In the full review, the episode scored a 7 out of 10 rating.

  • TrekWeb's O. Deus praised the acting on display. "Blalock's performance, though, is never less than effective," he wrote. "Bakula even manages to play his crucial scene with T'Pol as he convinces her to shoot, just right. Often Bakula overplays trivial scenes and turns in lethargic performances at crucial moments but here he manages to pull it off with just the right amount of intensity without going over the top or being too laid back. T'Pol's final scene with Archer wraps up 'The Seventh's theme and deepens their relationship."

    Read more of his thoughts here.

  • "Just what we need - another episode where the 'unemotional' Vulcan is showing us six easy steps to becoming a hysterical basket case," wrote Keckler at Television Without Pity. "It actually would have been a unique and interesting premise for a plot, had they not already trotted out T'Pol's Postcards From The Edge several times in the first season. Taking into account Hoshi's various exhibitions of emotional unsteadiness along with T'Pol's, it might be nice to see one of the men on this show come unhinged - but of course, that would require actual acting on the part of some of them."
    Keckler actually liked the episode, giving it a B rating in the full review.

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