Positive Buzz For 'Elite Force II'
By CaillanJune 9, 2003 - 11:18 AM
The latest Star Trek computer game, Elite Force II, has garned good press in the lead-up to its release later this month.
- PC Gamer has a special five-page feature on Elite Force II in its latest issue, which hit stores on June 5. According to Ritualistic, the magazine is the first print publication to review the full game, giving it a score of 84%.
- Sal Accardo at GameSpy.com recently had a chance to play a preview version of Elite Force II. The levels included in the preview were mainly a "mix of puzzles and straight-on combat", with enemies including the Klingons and a new race, the Attrexians.
Accardo described the game's graphics as "excellent", especially the character models. "Better yet," he wrote, "we were able to run the game at 1600x1200 with barely a stutter (which is more than I can say for most games I've run this year on the same machine)."
In conclusion, Elite Force II was said to be "on track to at least match" the original Elite Force. The two-page preview with screenshots can be found at this page.
- IGN PC's Dan Adams didn't want to give away any spoilers for the game's storyline, but did have this to say:
Your adventures with the Hazard Team will take you plenty of places, such as ruins, planetary colonies, and various space stations like one old Klingon mercenary starbase. [...] With missions that range from fighting on the both the inside and outside of the Enterprise to running through a Borg Cube and trying to save an entire Attrexian colony from an influx of the creepy crawlies, there's plenty to look forward to with Elite Force II.
Adams also highlighted the visual quality of Elite Force II. "All of the game is very colorful and delightful to play. The clarity, color, and detail, is all actually fairly surprising to see. The models themselves are well crafted as well with some spectacular bosses and aliens bringing the game to life."
The full article, which includes screenshots and movies, is available at IGN PC.
Elite Force II is currently scheduled for release on June 20, 2003 in the United Kingdom and June 24 in North America, according to online retailer Amazon.com. To pre-order the game and support TrekToday, please use the following links: Amazon.com - Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.de. Thanks to Ritualistic for this!
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