Robert Wolfe Talks 'Andromeda' & Sorbo On E! News
By ChristianJune 9, 2000 - 11:23 PM
Don Lipper over at has put up another of his weekly interviews with Robert Hewitt Wolfe, executive producer and lead writer of the upcoming 'Andromeda' television series.
The interview was conducted after the shooting of three episodes was completed, meaning that the first episode has now also been shot:
We had a goodly number of aliens. I wish we could've afforded more but we haven't built up our alien mask inventory to the level it was on Star Trek. [Star Trek makeup designer Michael] Westmore had 100 alien heads to play with. We don't have that many yet. We're working on it. We're building it up slowly.
Obviously we shot them out of order. We shot the first two episodes third and fourth. So for episode one, we had the entire original crew of the Andromeda on board. It was pretty cool to see the original crew in all its glory. [Editors note: Few members of the original Andromeda crew survive the first episode.] It was cool to see huge numbers of people on the set.
The aliens will still be created mostly using prosthetics, though in the interview Wolfe reveals in the future they might have an episode featuring a computer-generated monster or character. One of these episodes that could possibly feature a CG-generated character is currently being written by Steve Barnes, a novelist who co-wrote several books with Larry Niven, as well as the novelizattion of DS9's 'Far Beyond The Stars'.
More from Wolfe, including comments on some of the production issues the series is facing and the many pine trees that will be showing up on alien planets in the series, please read the full interview.
In other 'Andromeda' news, this weekend's edition of E! News will feature a special segment on the show, during which series star Kevin Sorbo will introduce the sets.
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