Site Columns
By ChristianJune 9, 2000 - 11:55 AM
Hello World!
You may have noticed the reappearance of the Links menu bar at the right of the page, after being absent since the new design went online. At the moment there are just two buttons there, and I intend to keep that number as small as possible, to keep page load times down. The first link, to online store, should of course be familiar. Ever since TrekToday started, I've been linking to Amazon for new Trek product announcements, and a few weeks ago I figured I might as well sign up to be an actual affiliate of them, then. Of course this won't in any way affect my editorial independence, and news will still remain exactly the way it was, should you be worried about that.
The other link is to Webdog, a program tracking updates to gaming sites, with TrekToday being one of the few sites not exclusively dedicated to gaming which is being tracked by Webdog. Webdog used to provide automatic links to .plan updates of the 'Voyager: Elite Force' developers for TrekToday a few months ago, but personally I find the site tracking service a bit more usual. You can download the program from their site, be sure to check it out!
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-Do international fans appreciate Voyager differently than Americans?
-How many species are in the Federation?
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Today On TV
-In the United States, the Sci-Fi Channel will be showing the Original Series episode 'Catspaw' at 2:00pm Eastern Time.
-In Canada, Space! will be showing DS9's 'Resurrection' at 4:00am Eastern Time, the Original Series' 'What Are Little Girls Made Of?' at 10:00am and at 4:00pm, and DS9's 'Statistical Probabilities' at 10:00pm.
-In the United Kingdom, Sky One will be showing DS9's 'The Search, Part One' at 8:00pm BST, followed an hour later by Part Two. Yesterday BBC Two showed the exact same episodes. Thanks go out to the Star Trek Collective for this!
-Here in The Netherlands, Net 5 will be showing TNG's 'Hollow Pursuits'at 18:05 CET. Thanks go out to for this!
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