New Feature Article
By AmyDecember 8, 2000 - 7:39 AM
Julia Houston,'s Star Trek Guide, has posted the latest edition of her feature column. last week, as I'm sure many of you are aware, Julia decided to forgoe the usual Star Trek commentary and instead find out what people wanted to see on her site. This week, she answers the surprising responses to her questionnaires.
First, I have to say I'm seriously overwhelmed and delighted by how many responses I got. I was expecting, at best, a couple dozen. I mean, I hate marketing research when people ask me to do it, and it's asking a lot of readers to hand them a form to fill out. But I got almost a hundred responses! And all of them have helpful things to tell me -- not even one "This is a lame questionnaire" or "Star Wars rules!" comment in the bunch. Many people sent me lengthy explanations about what works for them, and why. I even got some complaints that I didn't leave enough room for responses!
But once I got over the numbers and actually started reading the responses, my surprises really started. And here's the weird part: the lesson I've learned from what you all wrote is the very same lesson I wish The Powers That Be at Paramount would learn.
Last week I put up two questionnaires and asked readers to answer questions about the site in preparation for some changes I was planning to make to the site. The answers I got, however, weren't even close to what I expected.
To read the full column, follow the link to
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