Billingsley Plays Voyeur On 'Damage' Set
By CaillanApril 7, 2004 - 10:59 AM
See Also: 'Damage' Episode Guide
John Billingsley (Doctor Phlox) took a leaf from the page of his ever-inquisitive alter ego on the set of "Damage".
In the latest issue of Dreamwatch magazine (via Sci-Fi Pulse), Billingsley told readers he dropped by to watch the filming of a love scene between actors Jolene Blalock (T'Pol) and Connor Trinneer ('Trip' Tucker). "Poor Jo and Connor had to do a shower scene today. Shooting love scenes is really so unpleasant. You're chilly, more than a little embarrassed, and every shot is sooooooo precisely calibrated that even the slightest twitch of a buttock muscle can spoil the take."
The actor said the process of filming such sequences is totally devoid of passion. "Whatever erotic charge an audience may take away from the finished product is most definitely not present on the set. These scenes are barely more tolerable than those entailing the 40 pound EV suits." Billingsley went on to qualify these remarks: "Of course, it's not like I have to do to many scenes of this nature."
"Damage" will kick off the final run of Enterprise episodes this season on April 21. Billingsley said the episode, which deals with the aftermath of the events of "Azati Prime", should look impressive. "The sets are littered with debris - scraps of charred metal, girders overturned, broken furniture, the whole nine yards. The art department has done a fabulous job trashing the ship. I hope it reads as well on camera as it looks to me."
To read the full article, pick up the latest issue of Dreamwatch magazine. Alternatively, excerpts are available via Sci-Fi Pulse.
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