Site Columns
By MichelleJune 4, 2003 - 4:32 PM
Hello World!
Greetings from Seattle. No, actually, greetings from the District of Columbia, but we've had nearly 40 consecutive days of rain, and I'm starting to wonder if we accidentally flew back from London to the wrong Washington.
It's June, but my children are in school for nearly another month. This is because the county added several days to the school year to compensate for all the snow days when schools were closed last winter. I guess it's not such a terrible thing for them to be indoors, given that the weather hasn't permitted much frolicking outside lately, anyway.
I'm not really complaining. We had nine days of perfect weather when we were in Europe, and I plan to ask the powers that be for restricted daytime precipitation when we drive across the U.S. next month to the Grand Canyon, L.A. and the other Washington to see relatives in Seattle. But I'm starting to wonder whether people can mildew.
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-Why do people insult Berman and Braga?
-If you were in Starfleet, to which ship or station would you want to be assigned?
-And the ever-popular alien sex thread!
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Trek Two Years Ago
These were some of the major news items in mid-May 2001:
- McNeill On Missing Regular Paycheck
Robert Duncan McNeill admitted that he missed getting paid regularly for all the years he didn't have to worry about auditioning, but said he was excited about upcoming directing projects. He was working with Fox Searchlab workshop programme and preparing to start filming the horror movie Infested. - TNG Stars Visit Enterprise Set
Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner dropped by the Enterprise sets to meet with Scott Bakula. reported that they admired the new uniforms and gave Bakula advice about technobabble. - Picardo Talks Chakotay/Seven Romance
And yours truly interviewed Robert Picardo for SFX, learning of his regret at never having had a hot tub scene with Jeri Ryan:[A] holographic lover has got to be perfect! They have intimate theoretical knowledge of the female body, yet no personal sexual history whatsoever. What can I say? A man who could be programmed to any dimension, rhythm, whatever - I think [Seven of Nine] missed a big opportunity!
More news can be found in the archives.
Poll Results
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Today's Television Listings
Tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, UPN will show a rerun of the Enterprise episode "Dead Stop". Here's the official synopsis of the episode:
Enterprise, in desperate need of extensive repairs, docks with a mysterious, high-tech, automated space station that inexplicably and amazingly fixes everything, making it almost too good to be true. While waiting for the repairs to be completed, the Enterprise crew searches the unmanned space station and discovers its unique and horrifying power source.
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