Braga Confirms Focus Group Reports
By ChristianApril 4, 2000 - 10:43 PM
Over at the Sci-Fi Wire, they've put up a very interesting interview with Brannon Braga, Voyager's current Executive Producer, currently developing Series V together with Rick Berman. In the interview, Braga confirms the earlier reports about Paramount testing several Series V concepts:
"There has been some testing," Braga told SCI FI Wire. "Obviously,
that's true. I honestly can't say a lot about it simply because I have nothing to
do with it. This is something that Paramount is doing. The testing of concepts,
particularly on something that's a franchise, so to speak, I understand is fairly
normal procedure. They are testing various things, and I didn't have anything to
do with it, and I have yet to hear about any results from it. It's real
peripheral to me."
As you may recall, in mid-January it was reported (by,
among others, Ain't It Cool News
and TrekToday itself) that Paramount had organised several focus group sessions
to test the waters for 3 possible Series V ideas: a 'Starfleet Academy' concept,
a 'Birth of the Federation' concept, and finally an 'Alpha Squad' concept. In the
months after that, Berman and Braga repeatedly stated that the studio had always
considered just one concept, so it is interesting to now see Braga confirm these
earlier reports.
After that, Braga talks a bit more about how they're developing the new series:
He added that Paramount is not pressuring them to come up with
a new series idea soon. "It's all alchemy," Braga said. "You can't predict what's
going to recapture people's interest. At the moment, no, they're not putting our
feet to the fire. We're just talking about ideas in the most preliminary fashion.
'What if we did this, what if we did that?' And we haven't really nailed down
anything yet. So we'll see what happens when we start edging closer to a
concept." "There is a new series in development. Rick Berman, myself and
Paramount are developing it now. What it will be and when it will be are big
question marks at the moment. We are in very early stages of development right
now. I can tell you that we are eager to do something that is completely
different, that feels fresh while at the same time captures the essence of Star
Trek, gets it back to where it needs to be. We just don't have anything nailed
down specifically at this point, so I really have nothing more specific that I
can tell you."
You can find the full interview by going here.
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