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By MichelleMarch 4, 2006 - 3:08 PM
Hello World!
Last night I went to my older son's school science fair. The school always arranges to have a number of speakers, though they did not have anyone this year quite so exciting as the local celebrity meteorologist who was there last year. We were surprised to see that there was a panel on the science of nuclear bombs on the schedule and unsurprised when the principal announced that that had been cancelled!
Our family went to a very fun seminar on the National Zoo, taught by a science teacher from another middle school who volunteers weekends and is working very closely with the newborn sloth bear. Previously he worked with the baby cheetahs and tigers. But he talked mostly about the baby panda, since that is what has brought three million visitors to the National Zoo since he was born last year. The speaker joked about how the hairless baby sloth bear is just not as cute.
There are always a large number of students who work on egg parachutes, whether playing different kinds of music affects plant growth and what kinds of Lego bridges can support the most weight, but some students work on really practical things. Someone took french fries from McDonalds, Boardwalk, Mom's kitchen and Wendy's to see which would decompose the fastest. The McDonalds fries showed no change at all after nine days left out in the sun. Conclusion: McDonalds fries are not actually made with organic material. At least, that was my conclusion! And another student learned an important lesson: if you leave the science fair project where the cat can get at it, the cat will have a significant impact on the experiment's results, such as tipping the plants over and eating them.
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-Write an Enterprise episode five words at a time!
-How big a hard drive does a new computer need?
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Trek Two Years Ago
These were some of the major news items from March 2004:
- Berman Is Plotting For Fourth Season
Executive producer Rick Berman said that he was making plans for a fourth season of Enterprise even though UPN had not yet picked up the series for the fall. - Cecily Adams, Quark's Moogie, Is Dead at 39
Cecily Adams, the actress who played Quark's mother Ishka a.k.a. Moogie on Deep Space Nine, died on the morning of March 3rd, 2004 after a long battle with lung cancer, her husband reported. - Stewart Decries Hollywood Violence Against Women
"The entertainment industry has been extremely irresponsible in perpetuating and stereotyping the violent attitudes of men to women," said Patrick Stewart (Picard), revealing that as a child he had witnessed abusive behaviour on the part of his own parents.
More news can be found in the archives.
Poll Results
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Happy Birthday!
Friday, March 3rd would have been the birthday of James Doohan, the original series' Scotty; Sunday, March 5th is the birthday of Jolene Blalock, Enterprise's T'Pol; and March 7th is the birthday of Donna Murphy, who played Anij in Star Trek: Insurrection.
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